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Hacham, Zainab Adil Mohammed, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Uruk University, Al-Wahda, 52 street, Q. 904 – St. 66, Baghdad, Iraq
Hadi, mohamed saad, University of Baghdad


hadi, mohammed ahmed, civil engineering


Hadi, Noor S.
Hajiazizi, Mohammad, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah City, Kermanshah Province, The Islamic Republic of Iran.
Hama, Sheelan Mahmoud, University Of Anbar


hamdi, rawaa fadhil, Baghdad University/College of engineering/Architectural department


Hamdon, Dr. Alaa Nabeel, Director of Remote Sensing Center/Mosul University


hameed, maha, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Diyala, 32001 Diyala, Iraq
hameed, sarah hussain, University of Misan


Hamid, Hussain, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


hammad, hameed salih, university of diyala


Hasan, Haider N, University of Baghdad
Hasan, mokhalad Oraibi, Tikrit University


hasan, reema faris, dentistry college / university of baghdad


Hasan, roaa Hussein, University of Baghdad
Hasan, Sadeq Abdul Hamza, Yes
Hasan, Sadeq Abdul Hamza
Hasan, Shatha Abbas, <p class="AuthorAffiliation">University of Baghdad</p><p class="AuthorAffiliation"> </p>
Hashim, Khalid, Liverpool John Moores University
Hashim, Khalid, Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom)
Hashim, Raad


hasoon, naba saeed, University of Baghdad
hassan, ali hadi, Ministry of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Office


Hassan, Dalia Saleem

1 - 25 of 46 Items    1 2 > >> 

Participation and Preparing of Abstracts

One page abstract can be prepared using English language (Arabic abstracts will not be considered).All accepted papers will be published in Scopus and Clarivate Analytics indexed journal (Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum), which is published by University of Baghdad. Authors can prepare their manuscripts according to the guidelines found in the link below:

To participation form can be filled via the link below


Chairman of the Preparatory Committee:

Prof .Dr. Razzaq Shalan Augul

Mobile: 07727490697

E-mail: [email protected]